Quote: “Take a second look, it costs you nothing.” — Chinese Proverb
Friday: Big Money Small Change
I received TWO emails today letting me know it’s pet dental month. Ironically, I read these after I gave my dog a dental treat.
The funny thing is that it spurred me to action for my “Big Money Small Change” topic.
My topic has a twist. The obvious topic is to utilize the “Of the Month” topics for your promotion, special, or post. It’s a great way to generate ideas and turn your marketing into a party.
But I said my topic for today will have a twist… here it is.
This is a screen shot of what popped up in my email box. It looks like a great “blurb” “sneak preview” or “short cut” to see what the message actually is all about
But read it. It’s like a four line classified ad (that shows how old I am) – but look at line four… Flea and tick sale/rebates? That’s a little confusing. I thought it was pet dental month.
So here’s your twist. Double check your email before it’s sent. You need to send yourself a sample so you can check all aspects. NOW guess what… I’m guilty of this, and that might be why I’m sensitive to this error.
We used to use email “magic” and type our 4 line classified info into the very top of the email and hide it in the text color of the background, typically white. Now, you can select these preview sentences.
So that’s twist one, double check.
Twist two… don’t mix messages. Again… something I’m terribly guilty of. I am old school with bad habits. One habit is to put more than one topic in a message… DON’T! It’s lazy… either lazy that you didn’t sort your people OR lazy in not creating a unique message for different segments of your email.
Back to the normal “of the month”
The cool thing with this email is that they used an infographic – I guess that may be a “twist” but I included the screen shot because, well, if you have a dog, the message is important and interesting!
So your turn to 1) double check before you send… 2) craft only one topic per message and 3) use your “of the month” resources!
Tomorrow… come back for my episode on “Try This”!
PS: Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe! Begin with my quick and simple guide to understanding the 5C’s of the Infinity Marketing Machine. I call it #doinginfinity. Click Here and I’ll email you a FREE download.
Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review