“Money isn’t everything, but I’m going to make a fortune anyway… just in case.”
Pretty much everyone has an smart phone. They carry it on them, nearly all the time. Let’s just use some absolutes… every person has a smart phone and every person has it with them all the time.
Now… imagine if you had a magic button that would allow you to communicate with all of them – right there, in their hand. You could magically send a secret message to their smart phone.
NOW… imagine if you could do that for nearly free.
If only there were a way to send a magic message to all of your customers on a individual device that only they use.
I believe we’ve just described email.
You have the opportunity, for nearly free, to communicate with nearly every person, at any time of day, regardless of where they are!
That’s the Big Money Small Change tip for today. Email is your opportunity to create an Infinity Marketing Machine that will become a printing press of money. When done according to best practices for success, you will create money! It just works. We created an email that generated $1,200 in two hours!
Today, decide… Just make the decision to start collecting the email addresses of your customers according to the legal requirements, and begin your nurture program (a weekly email newsletter). This doesn’t have to be a big production, maybe the size of two posts on Facebook. Just communicate information you would communicate with a friend, do this once a week, every week!
But by all means, start.
Big Money Small Change Success
Character + Content/Consistency + Goals/Motivation + Customers =
Infinity Marketing Machine
PS: thanks for reading! I really appreciate you being here. Make sure to “like” this post… and follow me! (and please do me a favor… if you want more great ideas like the one in this post, just fill out this form and I’ll send them to you… start here
Action Steps
1- Start collecting email addresses according to CAN-SPAM – then… classify which profit center the customer is from and mark their record, finally, create your first email newsletter! PRESS SEND.
2- Install my free app! (SmallBusinessClubApp.com)
Listen to Episode #294 of the Two Minute Commute audio blog Podcast