Thursday Blog Topic: Infinity Customer –
Quote: “Shifting customer needs are common in today’s marketplace.” SMGraffius
The person that “thought up”… I mean improved… the paper towel is amazing! How can a paper towel be improved? Is it softer? Nope. Is it more absorbent? Nope. Is it bigger? Nope.
It’s smaller! The half sheet perforation on the paper towel roll is genius!
Now, this is kinda a crazy juxtaposition. After all, most have heard the story of the toothpaste tube… you know, the hole in the top was drilled wider so that people would use more.
But then there’s the paper towel. We ripped, and ripped, and ripped… never thinking twice that our clean up could use half as much. We just tore off a full sheet and were happy we had another full sheet after that.
But I was just thinking about how the half sheet is amazing.
And then I was thinking about my day.
My day started with listening to an interview with financial advisor Dave Ramsey. He was answering questions from the morning show host. His answer to a Lawyer’s question was insightful. The lawyer asked how he is suppose to pay off debt and not incur debt when he can’t meet with clients.
The encouragement was to pivot and find billable hours.
Then I was reading a post in a Facebook group… a woman was asking how she is suppose to run a dance studio online when kids keep dropping off. Her phrase was, “some day I’m planning to have a recital”
She needs to pivot.
When your customers needs change, you must change with them!
Give them the half sheet of paper towel.
But more important, give them the prize in the cereal box.
The dancers of a kids class do not care if “someday” they get to dress up in the pretty costume with real big girl makeup. They want to know WHEN. They want the prize, and couldn’t care less about the cereal. For them, showing up at the studio puts the attention on them. But sitting in their living room is not glamorous, it’s cereal.
Has your business changed? I’m guessing not. I’m guessing your customers have changed! OH BOY.
So when it seems counter intuitive to give someone a smaller paper towel, give it to them.
Your customers are sick of cereal, they want the prize… they want the 1/2 sheet of paper towel! Give them what they want!
Ask them what they want. But stop giving them cereal.
Tomorrow… come back for my episode on “Big Cash Small Change”!
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Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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