Sometimes learning a new skill is a grind. You are not naturally drawn to it. This is me and learning Japanese. Yes, I speak Japanese. It’s fun to say that, but I’m not really good at it. In fact, someone told me my Japanese was “cute” there is absolutely no compliment in that!
So why am I telling you this.
I enjoyed learning Japanese and found it to be a challenge, but it was also a huge sense of accomplishment when I started to understand.
This is also what I thought about print on demand products. It’s a little challenge but once you understand the concept it’s so amazing! You can make money from this skill right when you learn it.
I’m still waiting to make money from my Japanese language skills…. hahahaha
Print on demand is the ability to create digital products that become real products at the moment they are purchased. It’s the coolest concept.
You don’t need to hold inventory to make money! In fact, holding inventory ties up your money. When you change your mindset that this is possible, wow!
It might be hard to grasp… but let’s look at music.
When you download a song, you aren’t actually buying a record anymore… you bought a file. A digital thing.
The difference in a song and a T shirt is how the file is used. The T shirt with your design is created the moment someone pays money and says, that’s a neat design. Again, it’s not like there are a million records waiting for purchase… nope, they don’t exist until you purchase.
So mugs, T shirts, Sweatshirts, socks, bags… this can all be added to your offerings for customers or even in your small store retail space. It’s an amazing way to add a profit center to your business without investing a great deal of money.
Much like Japanese, there was a learning curve… OK this is nothing like Japanese, I can teach you to create products in an hour. That’s why I made to help you learn from all of my mistakes. Just hit the ground running! Start selling right away….
It will be fun to join you on this journey, in an hour from now you can have a huge boost of confidence from learning a new skill and start putting money in your bank account. Check my complete program at

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