Monday Topic: Credibility —
Quote: “Toot Your Own Horn”
Congratulations! Look at that YOU WON!
What the heck?
Yes, you won. You entered a contest to make you best business in the universe… and you won!
So now what?
It’s time to promote your amazing success. Does that seem bizarre?
Not if you’re trying to utilize the power of the award to enhance your credibility.
Credibility is important for a business, especially an online business, to help your customers understand that a third party thinks you are pretty darn special… therefore, others will want to do business with you!
This is the importance of competing for the award…
Now, back to my original question… now what?
Add the award to your letterhead. Add it to your email salutation. Add it to your website.
Start an interesting section on your webpage to celebrate the award.
There are many many ways to get the word out – but most of all get the word out!
Our family business won National Marina of the Year a couple years ago. Since then I created a free download that you might find helpful. Check it out at
What is Tribeology? Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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