Monday Topic: Credibility —
Quote: “You need a vision that is so big that it is compelling, not only to others, but to you.”
In the middle of December I signed up for an online course. Since it’s Monday I thought this would be an excellent topic. It’s a “walk the walk” type of story…
Monday is the day we discuss how to increase our social proof. We want to have our customers “know like and trust us” and an amazing way to do this is to position ourselves as leaders of the tribe.
But to be the leader we must have information to lead… so back to my original statement… back in December I signed up for an online course.
I’ve wanted to create a course to create students of the Infinity Marketing Machine. I know I teach the concept in this blog… but the importance of registering for a course and going deep into how it can help you at your business is an exciting idea to me.
But, I’m not a classically trained teacher. I’m a marketer. Sure we tell stories and seek to understand the needs and wants of our customers, but teaching is a different art. Thus, I’ve been stuck in the middle of a bunch of ideas without a focus.
The course I registered for helped to focus the idea, and then I started learning. Oh my, the instructors are amazing. I love writing research reports… I know that sounds like a crazy thing, but it’s something I enjoy.
But the missing piece was to get out of my own way and think of what a student would need. The ability to go back to what made me excited to start out and discover the Infinity Marketing Machine and figure out how to teach that.
Well… the “Infinity Product” was born, sort of, it’s been a busy 6 weeks of messaging, tweaking, and putting together an amazing product to help people really understand how an infinity product will benefit the customers/tribe at their own business.
It’s been fun… but I realized today – while I’m done with a lot of it, I have a whole bunch more to go!
That’s why today’s quote was so much fun.
“You need a vision that is so big that it is compelling, not only to others, but to you.”
Well… I’m freaked out by my vision, just like you are when I encourage you to create content on a consistent basis. When teach that you need to lead and continue to do things to build your credibility… it’s scary to put yourself out there.
But congratulations, I’m happy you are! So today, put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Think about what they need from you to see you as a leader. Do they need to hear a story of your most recent accomplishment, an article you just read, a seminar you attended about a new law or regulation affecting your industry.
What do your customers need to hear from you?
Now give it to them.
What is Tribeology? Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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