Monday Topic: Credibility —
Quote: “Let your effort eliminate your need for excuses.”
The perfect way to stop making excuses is to actually do the work… seems obvious, right? Well, sometimes it’s not that obvious and here’s why.
We all fall in to a trap of saying, “I’m just not good at…” Let’s say posting consistently.
It’s “hard” to create content and keep up with it. You know you should, yet… there you are making excuses like I had to order product, I had a customer to call, I needed to do X, Y or Z or maybe all of those.
Then someone says how much success they’ve had with their content program and you reply, “yeah, I’m just not good at creating content”
Which is actually not true. You are good at the content, you’re not good at the habit!
You know your business better than anyone else AND you know your customers better than anyone else.
That means creating the content should be fun, exciting, and interesting. This really isn’t a chore… the chore is the actual consistency of doing it. Sure you may have other obligations in your life but the best way to improve at the consistency of this task is to actually do it.
It’s a lot like losing weight… it’s easier to eat the cookies than to walk the mile, right?
OR finances… it’s easier to use the credit card than it is to save up for the purchase.
Recognize the need to let your effort shine through. This is what your tribe needs, they need your success and leadership. But it’s hard to lead if you’re silent.
The best way to position yourself as the subject matter expert… the leader of this tribe is to lead. The effort IS the success.
What is Tribeology? Learn It. Do It. Profit. Decide who you want to work with, attract them, and sell them things they want to buy! It really is that simple.

Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review
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